Things To Check Before Repairing Your iPhone Screen

Things To Check Before Repairing Your iPhone Screen

Before doing an iPhone screen replacement, there are five things you should look at. The iPhone has certainly evolved since its inception a decade earlier, but the screen’s fragility remains unchanged.  You probably know how simple it is to break an iPhone...
5 Basic Tips For Iphone Repair

5 Basic Tips For Iphone Repair

Although Apple’s iPhones are among the best smartphones money can buy, they are not without flaws. These highly effective portable computers aren’t perfect, and they often malfunction.  Locating the appropriate iPhone fix can feel like looking for a needle...

How to Care for an External Hard Drive

Care for an External Hard Drive At Affordable Computer Repairs and Service we obtain more jobs than we would like from customers desperately requiring data recovery from their non-functioning external hard drive. So many people believe that simply connecting and...

Research the solutions — Protecting children online is a growth industry. There are a number of commercial products available that can help your keep your children safe. Products like Safety Web and Net Nanny allow you to monitor your child’s online activities and what’s being posted about them, both vital in a time when kids can upload messages, pictures, and even videos from anywhere they have cell service. Other products like Guardian Angel or Firefly mobile phones offer wireless service that you can control, to keep your kids from accessing content you’d rather they avoided.

– Ella H. Wells
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Screen Time for Kids and Digital Technology

Digital Technology and Screen Time for Kids Should parents limit children’s daily use of digital technology – computers, laptops, TV? The Department of Health screen time recommendations limit the amount of screen time for kids based on the age range of the child. No...
Tips for on-campus technology protection

Tips for on-campus technology protection

How often should you wash your bathroom towels? And what about the bathroom rug? Should you wash it every week? Every couple of weeks? Research the solutions — Protecting children online is a growth industry. There are a number of commercial products available...